Morning devotionals

by Nathan Bailey

I have a certain hardness about me, a go-getter, assertive mindset, that, if not tempered by time with God, restricts my ability to show the compassion of Christ. Furthermore, my productivity throughout the day is directly related to my mental state, which is lifted to its optimal level through connecting to God in the morning and maintaining that connection throughout the day. He enhances my ability to think, helps me when I'm stuck and encourages me when I'm down. My work day is easier, more fun and more productive for a little time with Him.

Ultimately, however, I am not my own. I chose to give myself up to Him, so that He is my benevolent dictator -- He who knows all, and wants the best for me, has graciously allowed me to achieve my full potential in Him. I am dead to this world, and alive to Christ -- in my death, I have given up my rights, and entrusted them to Him. I am a steward of His gifts, and not an owner of them.

I cannot take the attitude that I have to spend time with Him. It is difficult to find time for all the things I have to do. It must be a case of wanting to spend time with Him, for I always finds time for what is really important to me. This desire is easy to arouse, when I consider that He is yearning to spend time with me, eager for the smallest fraction of time together, desiring to spend the whole day together. Why would I not want to spend time with someone who loves me passionately and only wants the best for me?

Further reading

Read about overcoming secret sin, self pity and other essays on Christianity - covering hell, sex, drinking, gambling, smoking and tithing!

© Copyright 1997-2012, Nathan Bailey, All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to print these articles for personal use, in whole or in part, provided the extract references the original URL,, so that people can find the latest version.
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